Archive for February, 2009

Rytis, LY4U

LYAC 2008 specialus prizas

Laimėtojas zinomas! Garbinga komisija vienbalsiai nusprende, kad 2008 metais per LYAC antradienio UTB aktyvumo vakarus didziausią aktyvumą, entuziazmą ir progresą parodė Gražvydas LY1CO iš Kėdainių. Ačiū uz puikų LY reprezentavimą UTB diapazonuose Gražvydai, sveikiname laimėtoją!

Prizo sąlygos:
Čia yra prizas, tai visiškai naujas neišpakuotas spausdintuvas/skaneris/kopijuotojas HP Deskjet F4180 su krūva kasečių.
(patenkinant asmeniškai Gedo NX2PX bet ir kitų smalsumą) 🙂
Jis bus įteiktas Panevėžyje per LRMD Visuotinį Narių Susirinkimą 2009 Kovo 7, o LY1CO nedalyvaujant, bandysim perduoti per ką nors.



(Niūkštė lieka pas LY4U)
(prizo sponsorius panorėjo nesiskelbti, nuoširdus jam AČIŪ visų UTB mėgėjų vardu)

Rytis, LY4U

Gautos ataskaitos ( 02.2009 ) Received logs

432 MHz:

YL2GD 13594

LY1CO 7778

LY3UE 6875

EW1ST 5505

LY3A 5408

LY2FN 4424

LY3UV 4173

LY3DT 3383

LY2FU 3035

LY2PBV 2652

LY3PEJ 1861

LY1T 1780

LY3BBM 1660

LY4MR 1346

LY3IO 1117

144 MHz:

LY2R 34906

YL2GD 23506

YL3GDR 20686

LY1CO 13171

LY3A 12836

LY3UE 8807

LY3TR 6668

LY3PEJ 5802

LY2FN 5725

LY3DT 5629

LY4BI 5069

EW1ST 4879

LY3UV 4531

LY3BBM 4198

LY4MR 4118

LY2PBV 3772

LY1CR 3713

LY2CK 3463

LY2AY 3250

LY2KX 3028

LY2NA 2985

LY2FU 2603

LY3TW 2491

LY3IO 2333

LY2HW 2309

LY1GC 1746

LY1MY 956

LY1GP 540



LYAC 432 MHz 2009 m. sausio mėn. rezultatai


1. LY1CO KO15XI 7 6 4398 576
2. LY3UE KO24OP 5 3 2262 198
3. LY2PBV KO14QN 2 2 1142 96
4. LY4BI KO15DF 4 2 1142 75
5. LY3DT KO15DG 4 2 1139 74
6. LY3PEJ KO15CL 3 2 1104 51
7. LY2FU KO14XW 5 2 1082 49
8. LY3UV KO14WU 7 1 593 46
9. LY3IO KO14WW 6 1 538 11
10. LY2AO KO14WV 4 1 519 8

LY stotys užmezgė QSO su šiais WW LOC:


Iš viso 7 skirtingi WW LOC.

Ataskaitos kontrolei (TNX): – .

Tolimiausių QSO TOP-10:

LY1CO KO15XI – SK0CT JO89XJ 576 km
LY1CO KO15XI – EW2ABC KO33VW 293 km
LY3UE KO24OP – LY4BI KO15DF 198 km
LY1CO KO15XI – YL2AJ KO16OX 187 km
LY3UE KO24OP – EW2ABC KO33VW 186 km
LY3UE KO24OP – EW1ST KO33UW 181 km
LY1CO KO15XI – LY3UE KO24OP 113 km
LY3UE KO24OP – LY1CO KO15XI 113 km
LY1CO KO15XI – LY2PBV KO14QN 96 km
LY2PBV KO14QN – LY1CO KO15XI 96 km


Po 1 mėnesių:

1. LY1CO 4398
2. LY3UE 2262
3. LY2PBV 1142
4. LY4BI 1142
5. LY3DT 1139
6. LY3PEJ 1104
7. LY2FU 1082
8. LY3UV 593
9. LY3IO 538
10. LY2AO 519

432 MHz JANUARY 2009


1. EW1ST 2 2 1445 264


After 1 months:

1. EW1ST 1445

Check logs (TNX): – .

LYAC 144 MHz 2009 m. sausio mėn. rezultatai


1. LY2R KO15VR 51 25 31864 728
2. LY3UE KO24OP 13 7 5019 490
3. LY1MY KO24OQ 18 6 4920 218
4. LY4MR KO24AJ 15 6 4370 197
5. LY2CK KO24AJ 15 5 3525 141
6. LY2FN KO14XV 19 5 3480 265
7. LY3DT KO15DG 13 5 3466 201
8. LY2PBV KO14QN 9 5 3370 155
9. LY4BI KO15DF 11 5 3332 197
10. LY3PEJ KO15CL 11 3 2306 211
11. LY2FU KO14XW 13 3 1868 85
12. LY3TW KO14WU 10 3 1802 56
13. LY2AO KO14WV 7 3 1683 57
14. LY3IO KO14WW 11 2 1229 62
15. LY2AY KO15DG 7 2 1218 74
16. LY1GC KO25SW 2 1 593 54
17. LY1GP KO24RS 4 1 568 22

LY stotys užmezgė QSO su šiais WW LOC:


Iš viso 30 skirtingi WW LOC.

Ataskaitos kontrolei (TNX): – .

Tolimiausių QSO TOP-10:

LY2R KO15VR – SM3BEI JP81NG 728 km
LY2R KO15VR – OH4GGW KP31PQ 693 km
LY2R KO15VR – SK7MW JO65MJ 677 km
LY2R KO15VR – SK6W JO78FM 643 km
LY2R KO15VR – SM7GVF JO77GA 587 km
LY2R KO15VR – OH3A KP20FW 581 km
LY2R KO15VR – OH5KE KP30NN 572 km
LY2R KO15VR – SM0DFP JP90JC 569 km
LY2R KO15VR – SK0CT JO99BM 540 km
LY2R KO15VR – SL0CB JO89WI 536 km


Po 1 mėnesių:

1. LY2R 31864
2. LY3UE 5019
3. LY1MY 4920
4. LY4MR 4370
5. LY2CK 3525
6. LY2FN 3480
7. LY3DT 3466
8. LY2PBV 3370
9. LY4BI 3332
10. LY3PEJ 2306
11. LY2FU 1868
12. LY3TW 1802
13. LY2AO 1683
14. LY3IO 1229
15. LY2AY 1218
16. LY1GC 593
17. LY1GP 568

144 MHz JANUARY 2009


1. YL3GDR 22 16 13900 563
2. EU4AG 17 7 6232 259
3. EW1ST 8 5 4854 640


After 1 months:

1. YL3GDR 13900
2. EU4AG 6232
3. EW1ST 4854

Check logs (TNX): – .

Rytis, LY4U

LY2WR/P in BCC Contest 2008

ly2wr-1.jpg New LY2WR QTH is long abbandoned brick radio tower in KO24FO, 50km west from Vilnius. We did it LY2WR/P in 2008, since 2009 it is LY2WR (without /P) which means look for us in every contest!
ly2wr-2.jpg Tower itself is 40m high, which totals 280m a.s.l. for antennas – one of highest spots in LY and East Baltics
ly2wr-3.jpg Icing is not uncommon up there all winter long (280m vs average 0-50m a.s.l. in LY)
ly2wr-4.jpg Steel tower currently in commercial use, as seen from the window of the brick tower. It is shadowing some 10 degrees to South, in all other directions it is TOTALLY CLEAR for hundreds and thousands of km, as seen in next photo.
ly2wr-5.jpg Sunrise – direction UA3/UT. Dirt is not on lens, it’s windows – not cleaned for 20 years. Going outside (on the roof) is an operation done using mountaineers equipment, so we don’t have many photos from there.
ly2wr-6.jpg North view – there are no obstacles up to Helsinki and beyond. The shadow of the 40m high brick tower is visible.
ly2wr-7.jpg About 600kg of gear were carried up these stairs by LY3BF and LY4U
ly2wr-8.jpg The termometer shows temperature inside at the arrival for the BCC MS contest 2008.
ly2wr-9.jpg There was no electric power, water or heating in the top room of the tower. It was not used for about 20 years. We had to install everything ourselves.
ly2wr-10.jpg Arvydas LY3BF operating LY2WR/P on FSK441 in BCC MS Contest 2008
ly2wr-11.jpg LY2WR/P December 12 2008 – note the electric heater by LY4U’s feet. Without it we would not survive.
ly2wr-12.jpg Arvydas LY3BF preparing meal for the team of two at the improvised LY2WR/P kitchen.
ly2wr-13.jpg Rytis LY4U (ex-LY2BIL) operating the station. FT736R was driving two PA with separate antennas, additional IC728H and a 2nd laptop was used to RX 2nd antenna.
ly2wr-14.jpg And for those in doubt – no, we did not drink anything stronger than mineral water. At least until the end of contest 😉
ly2wr-15.jpg Our signal quality was a real concern because of commercial equipment nearby, so we took it seriously.
ly2wr-16.jpg Main PA had it’s own room because of a noise produced by the air blower. Stairs to the roof are visible behind.
ly2wr-17.jpg 25 year old LY2WR 600W 2m PA on 1xGU-74B lost a transformer 2nd day, and got an emergency repair.
BCC MS CONTEST 2008. Call: LY2WR/P, WW LOC: KO24FO, Category: MULTI OP, Operators: Rytis Zumbakis LY4U; Arvydas Bilinkevicius LY3BF, Mode: FSK441 only Valid QSOs: 185, Points: 555, Prefixes: 113, Total score: 62715. ODX: F4CWN JN03PO 2066km, F1RHS JN03PV 2044km, F5VHX JN04FT 2026km. DLx57, PAx20, RAx15, Ix11, Fx10, YUx8, OKx7, YOx7, S5×6, ONx6, Gx6, UTx6, LZx3, OEx3, HAx3, SMx3, SPx2, OMx2, 9Ax2, OZx2, EWx1, Z3×1, TKx1, LAx1, OHx1, SVx1
Rytis, LY4U

OH6KTL VHF tower

Click the thumbnail to see large photo

oh6ktl-1.jpg oh6ktl-2.jpg
oh6ktl-3.jpg oh6ktl-4.jpg

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